■ 業績
1. Microtensile bond strength of newly developed resin cement to dentin Kawano S, Fu J, Saikaew P, Chowdhury AA, Fukuzawa N, Kadowaki Y, Kakuda S, Hoshika S, Nakaoki Y, Ikeda T, Tanaka T, Sano H. Dent Mater J. 2015; 34(1):61-9
2. The effect of dentine surface preparation and reduced application time of adhesive on bonding strength Saikaew P, Chowdhury AA, Fukuyama M, Kakuda S, Carvalho RM, Sano H. J Dent. 2016;47: 63-70
3. Effect of air-blowing duration on the bond strength of current one-step adhesives to dentin Fu J, Saikaew P, Kawano S, Carvalho RM, Hannig M, Sano H, Selimovic D. Dent Mater. 2017;33(8):895-903
4. Effect of topical fluoride application on enamel after in-office bleaching, as evaluated using a novel hardness tester and a transverse microradiography method Fukuyama M, Kawamoto C, Saikaew P, Matsuda Y, Carvalho RM, Selimovic D, Sano H. Eur J Oral Sci. 2017;125(6):471-8
5. Does shortened application time affect long-term bond strength of universal adhesive to dentin? Saikaew P, Matsumoto M, Chowdhury AA, Carvalho RM, Sano H. Oper Dent. 2018;43(5):594-58
6. Effect of smear layer and surface roughness on resin-dentin bond strength of self-etching adhesives Saikaew P, Senawongse P, Chowdhury AA, Sano H, Harnirattisai C. Dent Mater J. 2018; 37(6): 973-80
7. Effect of air-blowing time and long-term storage on bond strength of universal adhesives to dentin Saikaew P, Fu J, Chowdhury AA, Carvalho RM, Sano H. Clin Oral Investig. 2019; 23(6):2629-2635
8. Effects of double application of contemporary self-etch adhesives on their bonding performance to dentin with clinical relevance smear layers Chowdhury AA, Saikaew P, Alam A, Sun J, Carvalho RM, Sano H. J Adhes Dent 2019; 21(1): 59-66
9. Gradual dehydration affects the mechanical properties and bonding outcome of adhesive to dentin Chowdhury AA, Saikaew P, Matsumoto M, Sano H, Carvalho RM. Dent Mater J 2019. 38(3):361-367
10. The microtensile bond strength test: Its historical background and application to bond testing Sano H, Chowdhury AFMA, Saikaew P, Matsumoto M, Hoshika S, Yamauti M
11. Ultra-morphological characteristics of dentin surfaces after different preparations and treatments. Saikaew P, Matsumoto M, Sattabanasuk V, Harnirattisai C, Carvalho RM, Sano H. Eur J Oral Sci 2020.128(3):246-254
12. Effect of double application of resin cement primers and different diamond burs on cement-dentin bond strength. Saikaew P, Chowdhury AFMA, Matsumoto M, Carvalho RM, Sano H. J Adhes Dent 2020. 22(3):311-320