■ 業績
1. Suzaki N, Yamaguchi S, Hirose N, Tanaka R, Imazato S, Hayashi M*. Evaluation of physical properties of fiber-reinforced composite resin. Dent Mater (in press).
2. Morita M, Kitagawa H*, Nakayama K, Kitagawa R, Yamaguchi S, Imazato S. Antibacterial activities and mineral induction abilities of proprietary MTA cements. Dent Mater J (in press).
3. Lee C, Kashima K, Ichikawa A, Yamaguchi S*, Imazato S. Influence of hydrolysis degradation of silane coupling agents on mechanical performance of CAD/CAM resin composites: in silico multi-scale analysis. Dent Mater J (in press).
4. Inoue S, Yamaguchi S*, Uyama H, Yamashiro T, Imazato S. Influence of constant strain on the elasticity of thermoplastic orthodontic materials. Dent Mater J (in press).
5. Karaer O, Yamaguchi S*, Nakase Y, Lee C, Imazato S. In silico non-linear dynamic analysis reflecting in vitro physical properties of CAD/CAM resin composite blocks. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 104: 103697, 2020.
6. Stocchero M, Jinno Y, Toia M, Jimbo R, Lee C, Yamaguchi S, Imazato S, Becktor J. In silico multi-scale analysis of remodeling peri-implant cortical bone: a comparison of two types of bone structures following an undersized and non-undersized technique. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 103: 103598, 2020.
7. Stocchero M, Jinno Y, Toia M, Ahmad M, Papia E, Yamaguchi S, Bector JP. Intraosseous temperature change during installation of dental implants with two different surfaces and different drilling protocols. An in vivo study in sheep. J Clin Med 8: E1198, 2019.
8. Yamaguchi S*, Lee C, Karaer O, Ban S, Mine A, Imazato S. Predicting the debonding of CAD/CAM composite resin crowns using AI. J Dent Res 98: 1234-1238, 2019.
9. Koytchev E*, Yamaguchi S, Shin-no Y, Suzaki N, Okamoto M, Imazato S, Datcheva M, Hayashi M, Comprehensive micro-mechanical characterization of experimental direct core build-up resin composites with different amounts of filler contents. Dent Mater J 38: 743-749, 2019.
10. Lee C, Yamaguchi S*, Ohta K, Imazato S. Mechanical properties of computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing resin composites assuming perfect silane coupling using in silico homogenization of cryo-electron microscopy images. J Prosthodont Res 63:90-94, 2019.
11. Yamaguchi S*, Kani R, Kawakami K, Tsuji M, Inoue S, Lee C, Kiba W, Imazato S. Fatigue behavior and crack initiation of CAD/CAM resin composite molar crowns. Dent Mater 34:1578-1584, 2018.
12. Yoshimoto I, Sasaki JI*, Tsuboi R, Yamaguchi S, Kitagawa H, Imazato S. Development of layered PLGA membranes for periodontal tissue regeneration. Dent Mater 34:538-550, 2018.
13. Yamaguchi S*, Mehdawi IM, Sakai T, Abe T, Inoue S, Imazato S. In vitro/in silico investigation of failure criteria to predict flexural strength of composite resins. Dent Mater J 37:152-156, 2018.
14. Yamaguchi S*, Yamanishi Y, Machado LS, Matsumoto S, Tovar N, Coelho PG, Thompson VP, Imazato S. In vitro fatigue tests and in silico finite element analysis of dental implants with different fixture/abutment joint types using computer-aided design models. J Prosthodont Res 62:24-30, 2018.
15. Hashimoto M*, Yanagiuchi H, Kitagawa H, Yamaguchi S, Honda Y, Imazato S. Effect of metal nanoparticles on biofilm formation of Streptococcus mutans. Nano Biomed 9: 61-68, 2017.
16. Hashimoto M*, Hirose N, Kitagawa H, Yamaguchi S, Imazato S. Improving the durability of resin-dentin bonds with an antibacterial monomer MDPB. Dent Mater J 37:620-627, 2017.
17. Sampaio CS*, Atria PJ, Rueggeberg FA, Yamaguchi S, Giannini M, Coelho PG, Hirata R, Puppin-Rontani RM. Effect of blue and violet light on polymerization shrinkage vectors of a CQ/TPO-containing composite. Dent Mater 33:796-804, 2017.
18. Yamaguchi S*, Inoue S, Sakai T, Abe T, Kitagawa H, Imazato S. Multi-scale analysis of the effect of nano-filler particles diameter on the physical properties of CAD/CAM composite resin blocks. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin 20:714-719, 2017.
19. Yamaguchi S*, Anchieta RB, Guastaldi FP, Tovar N, Tawara D, Imazato S, Coelho PG. In silico analysis of the biomechanical stability of commercially pure Ti and Ti-15Mo plates for the treatment of mandibular angle fracture. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 75:1004.e1-1004.e9, 2017.
20. Kamonwanon P*, Hirose N, Yamaguchi S, Sasaki JI, Kitagawa H, Kitagawa R, Thaweboon S, Srikhirin T, Imazato S. SiO2-nanocomposite film coating of CAD/CAM composite resin blocks improves surface hardness and reduces susceptibility to bacterial adhesion. Dent Mater J 36: 88-94, 2016.
21. Moriwaki H, Yamaguchi S*, Nakano T, Yamanishi Y Imazato S, Yatani H. Influence of implant length and diameter, bicortical anchorage, and sinus augmentation on bone stress distribution: three-dimensional finite element analysis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 31: e84-91, 2016.
22. Hashimoto M*, Yamaguchi S, Sasaki JI, Kawai K, Kawakami H, Iwasaki Y, Imazato S. Inhibition of matrix metalloproteases and toxicity of gold and platinum nanoparticles in L929 fibroblast cells. Eur J Oral Sci 124:68-74, 2016.
23. Hashimoto M*, Yamaguchi S, Imazato S. Nanoleakage and durability of resin/dentin bonds. Curr Oral Health Rep 2:195-201, 2015.
24. Hashimoto M*, Sasaki J, Yamaguchi S, Kawai K, Kawakami H, Iwasaki Y, Imazato S. Gold nanoparticles inhibit matrix metalloproteases without cytotoxiciy. J Dent Res 94: 1085-1091, 2015. 25. Hirata R, Silveira L, Bonfante E, Yamaguchi S, Coelho PG, Imazato S. Effect of the diamond-like carbon coating on reliability of implant-supported crowns. Int J Oral Maxillofac Impants 30: 806-813, 2015.
26. Sathi G, Kenmizaki K, Yamaguchi S, Yoshida Y, Matsugaki A, Ichimoto T, Imazato S, Nakano T, Matsumoto T*. Early initiation of endochondral ossification of mouse femur cultured in hydrogel with different mechanical stiffness. Tissue Eng Part C 21:567-75, 2015.
27. Yamaguchi S*, Coelho PG, Thompson VP, Tovar N, Yamauchi J, Imazato S. Dynamic finite element analysis and moving particle simulation of human enamel on a micro scale. Comput Biol Med 55: 53-60, 2014.
28. Yamaguchi S*, Satake K, Yamaji Y, Chen YW, Tanaka TH. Three-dimensional semiautomatic liver segmentation method for non-contrast computed tomography based on a correlation map of loco regional histogram and probabilistic atlas. Comput Biol Med 55: 79-85, 2014.
29. Galli S*, Jimbo R, Tovar N, Yoo DY, Anchieta RB, Yamaguchi S, Coelho PG. The effect of osteotomy dimension on osseointegration to resorbable media-treated implants: A study in the sheep. J Biomater Appl 29: 1068-74, 2014.
30. Yamaguchi S*, Tsutsui K, Satake K, Morikawa S, Shirai Y, Tanaka HT. Dynamic analysis of a needle insertion for soft materials: Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian-based three-dimensional finite element analysis. Comput Biol Med 53: 42-47, 2014.
31. Yamanishi Y, Yamaguchi S*, Imazato S, Nakano T, Yatani H. Effects on the implant design on peri-implant bone stress and abutment micro movement: three-dimensional finite element analysis of original computer-aided design models. J Periodontol 85: e333-e338, 2014.
32. Yamaguchi S*, Yoshida Y, Noborio H, Murakami S, Imazato S. The usefulness of a haptic virtual reality simulator with repetitive training to teach caries removal and periodontal pocket probing skills. Dent Mater J 32: 847-852, 2013.
33. Machado LS, Bonfante EA*, Anchieta RB, Yamaguchi S, Coelho PG. Implant-abutment connection designs for anterior crowns: reliability and failure modes. Implant Dent 22: 540-545, 2013.
34. Ono S, Yamaguchi S*, Kusumoto N, Nakano T, Sohmura T, Yatani H. Optical impression method to measure three-dimensional position and orientation of dental implants using an optical tracker. Clin Oral Implants Res 24: 1117-22, 2013.
35. Yamaguchi S*, Yamada Y, Yoshida Y, Noborio H, Imazato S. Development of three-dimensional patient face model that enables real-time collision detection and cutting operation for a dental simulator. Dent Mater J 31: 1047-1053, 2012.
36. Yamanishi Y, Yamaguchi S*, Imazato S, Nakano T, Yatani H. Influences of implant neck design and implant-abutment joint type on peri-implant bone stress and abutment micromovement; Three-dimensional finite element analysis. Dent Mater 28: 1126-1133, 2012.
37. Miyajima H, Matsumoto T*, Sakai T, Yamaguchi S, Abe M, Wakisaka S, An S-H, Lee K-Y, Egusa H, Imazato S. Hydrogel-based biomimetic environment for in vitro modulation of branching morphogenesis. Biomaterials 32: 6754-6763, 2011.
38. Yoshida Y, Yamaguchi S*, Kawamoto Y, Noborio H, Murakami S, Sohmura T. Development of a multi-layered virtual tooth model for the haptic dental training system. Dent Mater J 30: 1-6, 2011.
39. Yamaguchi S*, Wakabayashi K, Yoshida Y, Nagashima T, Takeshige F, Kawamoto Y, Noborio H, Sohmura T. Dental haptic simulator to train hand skill of student –calibration method to realize visual/haptic environment-, Stud Health Technol Inform 142: 429-431, 2009.
40. Quang Huy Viet H*, Hirai S, Shirai Y, Yamaguchi S, Tanaka HT, Kawasaki H, Kawai Y. On the problem of determination of spring stiffness parameters for spring-mesh models, Stud Health Technol Inform 132: 180-182, 2008.
41. Nishikawa A*, Kijima S, Katoh T, Maruya M, Yamaguchi S, Miyazaki F. Mutual view sharing system for real-time tele-communication. Syst Comp Japan 37: 73-86, 2006.
1. 山口 哲.In vitro実験と数理科学の融合に基づく修復材料の高性能化の試み.大阪大学歯学雑誌 63(2): 7-10, 2019.
2. 山口 哲, 今里 聡. 金属に代わる歯科用修復材料の創製を目指して. 生産と技術 69(3):92-95, 2017.
3. 山口 哲,今里 聡.材料特性からみたコンポジットレジンの現状.歯界展望 118: 992-997, 2011.
Book Chpater
1. Yamaguchi S*, Ohtani T, Ono S, Yamanishi Y, Sohmura T, Yatani H. Intuitive surgical navigation system for dental implantology by using retinal imaging display, In Implant Dentistry - A Rapidly Evolving Practice. (Ilser T, ed), InTech, Croatia, 301-316, 2011.