■ 業績
1. Matsuda Y, Koshiro K, Fujita M, Saito T. Antimicrobial Effect and Environmental Impact of Controlled Release Iodine Water Disinfectant. IJPMBS Vol. 9, No 2, 56-59,2020
2. Matsuda Y, Okuyama K, Yamamoto H, Fujita M, Abe S, Yamada N, Koka M, Sano H, Sano M, Hayashi M, Sharanbir K Sidhu, Saito T. Antibacterial effect of a fluoride-containing ZnO/CuO nanocomposite. Nucl. Instr. and. Meth B. 2019 Vol 458, 184-188.
3. Okuyama K, Matsuda Y, Yamamoto H,Tamaki Y, Saito T, Hayashi M, Yoshida Y, Sano H,Sato T Koka M. Fluorine distribution from fluoride-releasing luting materials into human dentin. Nucl. Instr. and. Meth B. 2019 Vol 458, 16-22.
4. Uemura R, Miura Jun, Ishimoto T, Yagi K, Matsuda Y, Shimizu M, Nakano T & Hayashi M. UVA-activated riboflavin promotes collagen crosslinking to prevent root caries. Sci Rep, 2019 Vol9(1) 1252 10.1038/s41598-018-38137-7 1
5. Okuyama K, Matsuda Y, Yamamoto H, Tamaki Y, Saito T, Hayashi M, Sano H, Yoshida Y, Yamada N, Koka M, Satoh T. Long-term fluoride penetration from fluoride-containing luting materials to dentin. QST Takasaki Annual Report 2017; 2019 QST-M-16: 114-114.
6. Okuyama K, Tamaki Y, Yamamoto H, Yagi K, Hayashi M, Matsuda Y, Saito T, Yasuda K, Suzuki K, Sano H. Fluorine binding with dentin adjacent to fluoride-containing luting materials. International Journal of PIXE 27 1-9 Sep 2018
7. 松田康裕,奥山克史,山本洋子,大木彩子,Mosammat Morsheda Khatun,佐野英彦,斎藤隆史 フッ化物含有知覚過敏抑制材による象牙質表面の脱灰抑制効果 日歯保存誌日本歯科保存学雑誌 2017; 60(6):273-281.
8. Yagi K, Yamamoto H, Uemura R, Matsuda Y, Okuyama K, Ishimoto T, Nakano T and Hayashi M. Use of PIXE/PIGE for sequential Ca and F measurements in root carious model 2017; 7(1): 13450. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-14041-4
9. Fukuyama M, Kawamoto C, Pipop Saikaew, Matsuda Y, Carvalho M. R, Selimovic D, Sano H Effect of topical fluoride application on enamel after in-office bleaching evaluated by novel hardness tester and transverse micro radiography method(2017)Eur J Oral Sci. 2017 Dec;125(6):471-478. doi: 10.1111/eos.12386. Epub 2017 Nov 7.
10. Okuyama K, Kadowaki Y, Matsuda Y, Hashimoto N, Oki S, Yamamoto H, Tamaki Y, Sano H. Efficacy of a new filler-containing root coating material for dentin remineralization. Am J Dent,29(4),213-218,2016
11. 大木 彩子, 松田 康裕, 橋本 直樹, 奥山 克史, 船戸 良基, 川本 千春, 小松 久憲, 佐野 英彦 フッ化物徐放性材料の象牙質表面への塗布による脱灰抑制効果.日歯保存誌,59(1),359-369,2016
12. Miyata S, Tanaka S, Matsuda Y, Hashimoto N, Sano H, Kawanami M. Caries Prevention After Surface Reaction-Type Prereacted Glass Ionomer Filler-Containing Coating Resin Removal from Root Surfaces. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol,16,1–5,2016
13. Ushimura, S, Nakamura K, Matsuda Y, Minamikawa H, Abe S, Yawaka Y.Assessment of the inhibitory effects of fissure sealants on the demineralization of primary teeth using an automatic pH-cycling system. Dent Mater J 35(2): 316-324.2016
14. Shibata S, Vieira L. C, Baratieri L. N, Fu J, Hoshika S, Matsuda Y, Sano H. Evaluation of microtensile bond strength of self-etching adhesives on normal and caries-affected dentin. Dent Mater J,35(2),166-173 2016.
15. Matsuda Y, Okuyama K, Yamamoto H, Komatsu H, Koka M, Sato T, Hashimoto N, Oki S, Kawamoto C, Sano H. Fluorine uptake into the human enamel surface from fluoride-containing sealing materials during cariogenic pH cycling. Nucl Instrum Meth B. 348:156-159,2015.
16. Yamamoto H, Iwami Y, Yagi K, Hayashi M, Komatsu H, Okuyama K, Matsuda Y, Yasuda K. Evaluation of caries progression in dentin treated by fluoride-containing materials using an in-air micro-PIGE and micro-PIXE measurement system. Nucl Instrum Meth B. 348,152-155,2015.
17. Funato Y, Matsuda Y, Okuyama K, Yamamoto H, Komatsu H, Sano H A new technique for analyzing trace element uptake by human enamel, Dent Mater J,34(2),240-245 2015.
18. F. Pan, AFM. Chowdhury, S. Ting, S. Kakuda, S. Hoshika, Matsuda Y,T. Ikeda,and H. Sano. The effects of different application time on all-in-one self-etching adhesive. Hokkaido Journal of Dental Science Vol35 (2) 150-158 2015.
19. Ting, S. Chowdhury, AFM. Pan, F. Fu, J.Sun, J. Kakuda, S. Hoshika, S. Matsuda Y.IKEDA, T. Nakaoki, Y. Abe, S. Yoshida, Y. Sano, H. Effect of different remaining dentin thickness on microtensile bond strength of current adhesive systems. Dent Mater J. 2015;34(2):181-8
20. Matsuda Y, Sano H and Iwaki Y.Effective screening for the HLA-B*35:05 and HLA-B*57:01 alleles using an allele-specific polymerase chain reaction melting assay. 2013 International Conference on Biological, Medical and Chemical Engineering (BMCE 2013) 12/2013; SESSION 2: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS:160-168
21. 小島健太郎, 小松久憲, 船戸良基, 木地村太基, 松田康裕, 奥山克史, 佐野英彦.フッ化物含有材料におけるう蝕抑制効果の長期的評価 日歯保存誌,2012:55(1); 10-21
22. Matsuda Y, Qazi Y, Iwaki Y.A rapid and efficient method BK polyomavirus genotyping by high-resolution melting analysis. Journal of Medical Virology. 83, 2128-213 , 2011.
23. Komatsu H, Yamamoto H, Matsuda Y, Kijimura T, Kinugawa M, Okuyama K, Nomachi M, Yasuda K, Satoh T, Oikawa S.Fluorine analysis of human enamel around fluoride-containing materials under different pH-cycling by μ-PIGE/PIXE system. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B:269, 2274–2277, 2011.
24. Kosuke K, Iwaki Y, Suhail H, Qazi Y, Garcia-Gomez J, D, Zeng D, Matsuda Y, Matsuda K, Martinez M E, Toyoda M, Arputharaj K, Stevens W T, Smogorzewski M, Qazi Y, Iwaki Y. Development of a real-time quantitative PCR assay for detection of a stable genomic region of BK virus. Virology Journal. 7, 295-305, 2010.
25. 須貝 誠,松田康裕,永山正人,加我正行,八若保孝.自動pHサイクル装置を用いた乳歯および永久歯エナメル質脱灰の比較 小児歯科学雑誌 2010: 48(1); 48-55.