■ 業績
1. Fukatsu H, Nohara K, Kotani Y, Tanaka N, Matsuno K, Sakai T: Endoscopic evaluation of food bolus formation and its relationship with the number of chewing cycles, J Oral Rehabil, 42: 580-587,2015.
2. Tanaka N, Nohara K, Ueda A, Katayama T, Ushio M, Fujii N, Sakai T: Effect of aspiration on the lungs in children: a comparison using chest computed tomography findings. BMC Pediatr. 22;19(1):162, 2019. doi: 10.1186/s12887-019-1531-6
3. Matsumura E, Nohara K, Tanaka N, Fujii N, Sakai T: A survey on medications received by elderly persons with dysphagia living at home or in a nursing home. J Oral Science. Vol. 62, No. 2, 239-241, 2020. DOI https://doi.org/10.2334/josnusd.19-0370
4. Arikawa E, Kaneko N, Nohara K, Yamaguchi T, Mitsuyama M, Sakai T: Influence of olfactory function on appetite and nutritional status of the elderly requiring nursing care. J Nutr Health Aging. 24(4):398-403, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12603-020-1334-3
5. Uchida Y, Nohara K, Tanaka N, Fujii N, Fukatsu H, Kaneko N, Mitsuyama M, Sakai T. Comparison of Saccharin Time in Nursing Home Residents With and Without Pneumonia: A Preliminary Study. In Vivo. 2020 Mar-Apr;34(2):845-848. doi: 10.21873/invivo.11847. PubMed PMID: 32111793
1. 認知症患者の摂食・嚥下リハビリテーション,野原幹司編著,南山堂,2011.
2. 摂食・嚥下障害マネジメント キュアからケアへ(DVD),野原幹司責任編集,株式会社ケアネット,2014.
3. 認知症患者さんの病態別食支援~安全に最期まで食べるための道標.野原幹司編著,メディカ出版,2018.
4. 摂食嚥下機能と薬の実践バイブル,野原幹司編著,じほう,2020.