■ 業績
英語原著論文[1] M. Stocchero, Y. Jinno, M. Toia, R. Jimbo, C. Lee, S. Yamaguchi, S. Imazato, J.P. Becktor, In silico multi-scale analysis of remodeling peri-implant cortical bone: a comparison of two types of bone structures following an undersized and non-undersized technique, Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 103 (2020) 103598.[2] Y. Jinno, K. Johansson, M. Stocchero, M. Toia, S. Galli, A. Stavropoulos, J.P. Becktor, Impact of salivary contamination during placement of implants with simultaneous bony augmentation in iliac bone in sheep, The British journal of oral & maxillofacial surgery 57(10) (2019) 1131-1136.[3] Y. Ayukawa, W. Oshiro, I. Atsuta, A. Furuhashi, R. Kondo, Y. Jinno, K. Koyano, Long Term Retention of Gingival Sealing around Titanium Implants with CaCl2 Hydrothermal Treatment: A Rodent Study, Journal of clinical medicine 8(10) (2019).[4] M. Stocchero, Y. Jinno, M. Toia, M. Ahmad, E. Papia, S. Yamaguchi, J.P. Becktor, Intraosseous Temperature Change during Installation of Dental Implants with Two Different Surfaces and Different Drilling Protocols: An In Vivo Study in Sheep, Journal of clinical medicine 8(8) (2019).[5] M. Toia, M. Stocchero, Y. Jinno, A. Wennerberg, J.P. Becktor, R. Jimbo, A. Halldin, Effect of Misfit at Implant-Level Framework and Supporting Bone on Internal Connection Implants: Mechanical and Finite Element Analysis, The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants 34(2) (2019) 320-328.[6] Y. Naito, S. Yamada, Y. Jinno, K. Arai, S. Galli, T. Ichikawa, R. Jimbo, Bone-Forming Effect of a Static Magnetic Field in Rabbit Femurs, The International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry 39(2) (2019) 259-264.[7] Y. Jinno, R. Jimbo, J. Hjalmarsson, K. Johansson, A. Stavropoulos, J.P. Becktor, Impact of surface contamination of implants with saliva during placement in augmented bone defects in sheep calvaria, The British journal of oral & maxillofacial surgery 57(1) (2019) 41-46.[8] Y. Jinno, R. Jimbo, M. Lindstrom, T. Sawase, T. Lilin, J.P. Becktor, Vertical Bone Augmentation Using Ring Technique with Three Different Materials in the Sheep Mandible Bone, The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants 33(5) (2018) 1057-1063.[9] M. Stocchero, M. Toia, Y. Jinno, F. Cecchinato, J.P. Becktor, Y. Naito, A. Halldin, R. Jimbo, Influence of different drilling preparation on cortical bone: A biomechanical, histological, and micro-CT study on sheep, Clinical oral implants research 29(7) (2018) 707-715.[10] A. Alenezi, Y. Naito, T. Terukina, W. Prananingrum, Y. Jinno, T. Tagami, T. Ozeki, S. Galli, R. Jimbo, Controlled release of clarithromycin from PLGA microspheres enhances bone regeneration in rabbit calvaria defects, Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials 106(1) (2018) 201-208.[11] Y. Jinno, R. Jimbo, N. Tovar, H.S. Teixeira, L. Witek, P.G. Coelho, In Vivo Evaluation of Dual Acid-Etched and Grit-Blasted/Acid-Etched Implants With Identical Macrogeometry in High-Density Bone, Implant dentistry 26(6) (2017) 815-819.[12] Y.D. Rakhmatia, Y. Ayukawa, Y. Jinno, A. Furuhashi, K. Koyano, Micro-computed tomography analysis of early stage bone healing using micro-porous titanium mesh for guided bone regeneration: preliminary experiment in a canine model, Odontology / the Society of the Nippon Dental University 105(4) (2017) 408-417.[13] S. Galli, M. Andersson, Y. Jinno, J. Karlsson, W. He, Y. Xue, K. Mustafa, A. Wennerberg, R. Jimbo, Magnesium release from mesoporous carriers on endosseus implants does not influence bone maturation at 6 weeks in rabbit bone, Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials 105(7) (2017) 2118-2125.[14] K. Takeshita, M. Toia, Y. Jinno, T. Sumi, T. Takahashi, A. Halldin, R. Jimbo, Implant Vertical Fractures Provoked by Laboratory Procedures: A Finite Element Analysis Inspired from Clinical Cases, Implant dentistry 25(3) (2016) 361-6.[15] H. Shimizu, Y. Jinno, Y. Ayukawa, I. Atsuta, T. Arahira, M. Todo, K. Koyano, Tissue Reaction to a Novel Bone Substitute Material Fabricated With Biodegradable Polymer-Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticle Composite, Implant dentistry 25(5) (2016) 567-74.[16] Y. Henmi, Y. Naito, R. Jimbo, Y. Jinno, K. Sekine, K. Hamada, Bone Ingrowth to Ti Fibre Knit Block with High Deformability, Journal of oral & maxillofacial research 7(4) (2016) e2.[17] A. Halldin, Y. Jinno, S. Galli, M. Ander, M. Jacobsson, R. Jimbo, Implant stability and bone remodeling up to 84 days of implantation with an initial static strain. An in vivo and theoretical investigation, Clinical oral implants research 27(10) (2016) 1310-1316.[18] X. Zhang, X. Yan, Y. Shen, Y. Jinno, X. Jiang, K. Koyano, H. Ai, Is China’s eight-year stomatology medical doctor program feasible? Comparison of comprehensive quality between doctoral dental students in China and Japan, International journal of clinical and experimental medicine 9(1) (2016) 448-454.[19] X. Yan, Z. Yi, X. Wang, Y. Jinno, X. Zhang, K. Koyano, H. Ai, Different study conditions between dental students in China and Japan, International journal of clinical and experimental medicine 8(7) (2015) 11396-403.[20] X. Yan, X. Zhang, Y. Jinno, K. Tachibana, J. Gao, K. Koyano, Y. Shen, H. Ai, Comparison of attitudes towards dental education among dental students in Japan and China, International dental journal 64(2) (2014) 76-82.[21] X. Yan, X. Zhang, Y. Jinno, K. Tachibana, J. Gao, K. Koyano, H. Ai, Y. Shen, Career choice and future design of dental students in China and Japan, International dental journal 64(2) (2014) 68-75.[22] I. Atsuta, Y. Ayukawa, Y. Ogino, Y. Moriyama, Y. Jinno, K. Koyano, Evaluations of epithelial sealing and peri-implant epithelial down-growth around step-type implants, Clinical oral implants research 23(4) (2012) 459-66.[23] T. Masuzaki, Y. Ayukawa, Y. Moriyama, Y. Jinno, I. Atsuta, Y. Ogino, K. Koyano, The effect of a single remote injection of statin-impregnated poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) microspheres on osteogenesis around titanium implants in rat tibia, Biomaterials 31(12) (2010) 3327-34.[24] Y. Ayukawa, Y. Ogino, Y. Moriyama, I. Atsuta, Y. Jinno, M. Kihara, Y. Tsukiyama, K. Koyano, Simvastatin enhances bone formation around titanium implants in rat tibiae, Journal of oral rehabilitation 37(2) (2010) 123-30.[25] Y. Jinno, Y. Ayukawa, Y. Ogino, I. Atsuta, Y. Tsukiyama, K. Koyano, Vertical bone augmentation with fluvastatin in an injectable delivery system: a rat study, Clinical oral implants research 20(8) (2009) 756-60.和文論文[1]神野 洋平, Michele Stocchero, Marco Toia, Jonas P. Becktor アンダーサイズドリリングテクニックがインプラント体周囲骨組織に与える影響 日本口腔インプラント学会誌 Vol.32 (2019), No.2, P.116-125 [2]神保 良, 神野 洋平, 柴原 清隆, 内藤 禎人 インプラント最先端表面改質の可能性と臨床応用への課題 日本顎顔面インプラント学会誌 Vol.14 (2015), No.1, P.3-7[3]神野 洋平 インプラント支持可撤性ブリッジの適用による下顎部分欠損症例の補綴治療 日本補綴歯科学会誌 Vol.6 (2014), No.1, P.47-50 [4]神野 洋平 新しい骨増生術式および骨補填材料の開発 スタチンの局所投与特集 臨床イノベーションのための若手研究者の挑戦 バイオマテリアル・エンジニアリングの新たな展開 日本補綴歯科学会誌 Vol.5 (2013), No.4, P.414-416[5]杉本 恭子, 橋本 恵, 稲田 絵美, 覺道 昌樹, 神野 洋平, 田中 恭恵, 田中 睦都, 中村 真弓, 林 亜紀子, 星野 正憲, 美甘 真, 宮嶋 隆一郎, 李 真, 佐々木 啓一, 沖 和広, 山本 雅章, 近藤 重悟, 小野 高裕, 野首 孝祠, 皆木 省吾 グミゼリーを用いた咀嚼能率評価法に評価法における視覚判定、成分溶出および粒度解析の関係 日本顎口腔機能学会雑誌 Vol.18(2012) No. 2 P.125-131