■ 業績(※責任著者)
1. Minamino T, Yatani H. (2020)Effectiveness of pretreatment with phosphoric acid, sodium hypochlorite and sulfinic acid sodium salt on root canal dentin resin bonding. J Prosthodont Res 1883-1958(19)2. Okamoto M*, Matsumoto S, Sugiyama A, Kanie K, Watanabe M, Huang H, Ali M, Ito Y, Miura J, Hirose Y, Uto K, Ebara M, Kato R, Yamawaki-Ogata A, Narita Y, Kawabata S, Takahashi Y, Hayashi M. Performance of a Biodegradable Composite with Hydroxyapatite as a Scaffold in Pulp Tissue Repair. Polymers. 2020 17;12(4).3. J Miura*, M Kubo, T Nagashima, F Takeshige (2012),Ultrastructural observation of human enamel and dentin by ultra-high voltage electron tomography and focus ion beam technique, Journal of Electron Microscopy,61(5) :335-41,4. Okamoto M*, Ali M, Komichi S, Watanabe M, Huang H, Ito Y, Miura J, Hirose Y, Mizuhira M, Takahashi Y, Okuzaki D, Kawabata S, Imazato S, Hayashi M. (2019) Surface Pre-Reacted Glass Filler Contributes to Tertiary Dentin Formation through a Mechanism Different Than That of Hydraulic Calcium-Silicate Cement Journal of clinical medicine 11(8(9)5. Uemura R, Miura J, Ishimoto T, Shimizu M, Nakano T, Hayashi M*. (2019)UVA-activated riboflavin promotes collagen crosslinking to prevent root caries. Scientific Reports 9(1) 12526. Nakatani H, Mine A*, Matsumoto M, Tajiri-Yamada Y, Hagino R, Yumitate M, Ban S, Miura J, Kawaguchi-Uemura A, Mine A, Matsumoto M, Tajiri Y, Higashi M, Kabetani T, Hagino R, Imai D, Minamino T, Miura J, Yatani H. (2018) Adhesion procedure for CAD/CAM resin crown bonding: Reduction of bond strengths due to artificial saliva contamination. Journal of Prothodontic Research. 62(2):177-183.7. Okawa, R., Miura, J., Kokomoto, K., Kubota, T., Kitaoka, T., Ozono, K., Nakano, K. Early exfoliation of permanent tooth in patient with hypophosphatasia, Pediatric Dental Journal 27:173-178 20178. Kawaguchi-Uemura A, Mine A, Matsumoto M, Tajiri Y, Higashi M, Kabetani T,Hagino R, Imai D, Minamino T, Miura J, Yatani H. (2017) Adhesion procedure for CAD/CAM resin crown bonding: Reduction of bond strengths due to artificial saliva contamination. J Prosthodont Res. in press pubMed PMID: 28916464.9. Matsumoto M, Mine A, Miura J, Minamino T, Iwashita T, Nakatani H, Nishida T, Takeshige F, Yatani H. Bonding effectiveness and multi-interfacial characterization of two direct buildup resin core systems bonded to post-space dentin. Clin Oral Investig. 21(1):309-317 201710. Nakatani H, Mine A, Matsumoto M, Kabetani T, Kawaguchi-Uemura A, Higashi M, Tajiri Y, Imai D, Hagino R, Minamino T, Miura J, Yatani H, Effectiveness of NaOCl and sulfinic acid sodium salt treatment on dentin-resin bonding:Long-term durability of one-step self-etching adhesive. Dental Material Journal 29;36(6):842-850 2017 11. Hagino R, Mine A, Nakatani H, Kawagucih-Uemura A, Tajiri-Yamada Y, Yumitate M, Ban S, Miura J, Matsumoto M, Yatani H (2018) Adhesion procedures for CAD/CAM indirect resin composite block: a new resin primer versus a conventional silanizing agent. J Prosthodont Res. 12. Y Matsuda, J Miura*, M Shimizu, T Aoki, M Kubo, S Fukushima, M Hashimoto, F Takeshige, T Araki (2016). Influence of Nonenzymatic Glycation in Dentinal Collagen on Dental Caries. J Dent Res. 95(13):1528-3413. H Okawa, H Kayashima, J Sasaki, J Miura, Y Kamano, Y Kosaka, S Imazato, H Yatani, T Matsumoto, H Egusa*. (2016). Scaffold-Free Fabrication of Osteoinductive Cellular Constructs Using Mouse Gingiva-Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. Stem Cells Int. :6240794.14. Kawaguchi A, Matsumoto M, Higashi M, Miura J, Minamino T, Kabetani T,Takeshige F, Mine A*, Yatani H. (2016) Bonding effectiveness of self-adhesive and conventional-type adhesive resin cements to CAD/CAM resin blocks. Part 2: Effect of ultrasonic and acid cleaning. Dent Mater J. 35(1):29-36.15. Higashi M, Matsumoto M, Kawaguchi A, Miura J, Minamino T, Kabetani T,Takeshige F, Mine A, Yatani H. (2016) Bonding effectiveness of self-adhesive and conventional-type adhesive resin cements to CAD/CAM resin blocks. Part 1: Effects of sandblasting and silanization. Dent Mater J. 35(1):21-8. 16. Wake N,, Asahi Y, Noiri Y, Hayashi M, Motooka D, Nakamura S, Gotoh K, Miura J, Machi H, Iida T and i Ebisu S. (2016), Temporal dynamics of bacterial microbiota in the human oral cavity determined using an in situ model of dental biofilms. npj biofilm and microbiomes 2, 16018; doi:10.1038/npjbiofilms.2016.18;17. S Fukushima, M Shimizu, J Miura*, Y Matsuda, M Kubo, M Hashimoto, T Aoki, F Takeshige, and T Araki, (2015) Decrease in fluorescence lifetime by glycation of collagen and its application in determining advanced glycation end-products in human dentin, Biomedical Optics Express, 23;6(5):1844-56. 18. Y Asahi*,, J Miura, T Tsuda, S Kuwabata, K Tsunashima, Y Noiri, T Sakata, S Ebisu, M Hayashi (2015). Simple observation of Streptococcus mutans biofilm by scanning electron microscopy using ionic liquids, AMB express, 24;5(1):6,. 19. A Obana-Koshino, H Ono, J Miura, M Sakai, H Uchida, W Nakamura, K Nohara, Y Maruyama, A Hattori, T Sakai*, (2015) Melatonin inhibits embryonic salivary gland branching morphogenesis by regulating both epithelial cell adhesion and morphology, PLoS ONE 10(4):e0119960,.20. H Egusa*, H Kayashima, J Miura, S Uraguchi, F Wang, H Okawa, J Sasaki, M Saeki, T Matsumoto, H Yatani. (2014) Comparative Analysis of Mouse Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells and Mesenchymal Stem Cells during Osteogenic Differentiation in vitro. Stem Cells and Development, 23(18):2156-69. doi: 10.1089/scd.2013.034421. J Miura*, K Nishikawa, M Kubo, S Fukushima, M Hashimoto, F Takeshige, T Araki, (2014) Accumulation of advanced glycation end-products in human dentin. Archives of Oral Biology. 59(2):119-24 doi: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2013.10.012 22. Y Asahi*, Y Noiri, J Miura, H Maezono, M Yamaguchi, R Yamamoto, H Azakami, M Hayashi, S Ebisu. (2014) Effects of the tea catechin Epigallocatechin Gallate on Porphyromonas gingivalis biofilms. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 116(5):1164-7123. D Yamazaki, Y Funato, J Miura, S Sato, S Toyosawa, K Furutani, (2013) Basolateral Mg2+ Extrusion via CNNM4 Mediates Transcellular Mg2+ Transport across Epithelia: A Mouse Model. PLOS Genetics. PLoS Genet 9(12): e1003983. 24. M Kubo, J Miura*, T Sakata, R Nishi, F Takeshige. (2013) . Structural Modifications of Dentinal Microcracks with human aging. Microscopy,62:555-561 doi: 10.1093/jmicro/dft02825. M Matsumoto, J Miura*, F Takeshige, H Yatani,(2013) Mechanical and morphological evaluation of the bond-dentin interface in direct resin core build-up method, Dental Materials,(29) 287-293, doi: 10.1016/j.dental.2012.11.00326. M Matsushita-Tokugawa, J Miura*, Y Iwami, M Hayashi, S Imazato, F Takeshige, S Ebisu,(2013) Detection of dentinal microcracks using Infrared Thermography,Journal of Endodontics,(39)88-91 27. J Miura*, H Nakai, Y Maeda, M Zako. (2009) Multi-scale analysis of stress distribution in teeth under applied forces. Dent Materials. 25:67-7328. M Schirmer, M Fujio, M Minami, J Miura, T Araki, T Yasui* (2010) Biomedical applications of real-time terahertz color scanner. Biomedical Optics Express. (1) 354-366