■ 業績
英文原著論文(過去10年分)1. Yoshida Y, Hiratsuka Y, Kawachi I, Murakami A, Kondo K, Aida J: Association between visual status and social participation in older Japanese: The JAGES cross-sectional study. Soc Sci Med 2020, 253:112959.2. Sato Y, Tsuboya T, Aida J, Saijo Y, Yoshioka E, Osaka K: Effort-reward imbalance at work and tooth loss: a cross-sectional study from the J-SHINE project. Ind Health 2020, 58(1):26-34.3. Sasaki Y, Tsuji T, Koyama S, Tani Y, Saito T, Kondo K, Kawachi I, Aida J: Neighborhood Ties Reduced Depressive Symptoms in Older Disaster Survivors: Iwanuma Study, a Natural Experiment. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020, 17(1).4. Mizuta A, Aida J, Nakamura M, Ojima T: Does the Association between Guardians’ Sense of Coherence and their Children’s Untreated Caries Differ According to Socioeconomic Status? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020, 17(5):1619.5. Matsuo G, Aida J, Osaka K, Rozier RG: Effects of Community Water Fluoridation on Dental Caries Disparities in Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020, 17(6):2020.6. Kiuchi S, Aida J, Kusama T, Yamamoto T, Hoshi M, Yamamoto T, Kondo K, Osaka K: Does public transportation reduce inequalities in access to dental care among older adults? Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2020, 48(2):109-118.7. Igarashi A, Aida J, Kusama T, Tabuchi T, Tsuboya T, Sugiyama K, Yamamoto T, Osaka K: Heated Tobacco Products Have Reached Younger or More Affluent People in Japan. Journal of Epidemiology 2020, (Advance Publication).8. Hoshi M, Aida J, Kusama T, Yamamoto T, Kiuchi S, Yamamoto T, Ojima T, Kondo K, Osaka K: Is the Association between Green Tea Consumption and the Number of Remaining Teeth Affected by Social Networks?: A Cross-Sectional Study from the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study Project. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020, 17(6):2052.9. Goodwin R, Sugiyama K, Sun S, Aida J, Ben-Ezra M: Psychological distress after the Great East Japan Earthquake: Two multilevel 6-year prospective analyses. British Journal of Psychiatry 2020, 216(3):144-150.10. Yamamoto T, Aida J, Shinozaki T, Tsuboya T, Sugiyama K, Yamamoto T, Kondo K, Sasaki K, Osaka K: Cohort Study on Laryngeal Cough Reflex, Respiratory Disease, and Death: A Mediation Analysis. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2019, 20(8):971-976.11. Tsuchiya M, Aida J, Watanabe T, Shinoda M, Sugawara Y, Tomata Y, Yabe Y, Sekiguchi T, Watanabe M, Osaka K et al: High prevalence of toothache among Great East Japan Earthquake survivors living in temporary housing. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2019, 47(2):119-126.12. Shiba K, Hikichi H, Aida J, Kondo K, Kawachi I: Long-Term Associations Between Disaster Experiences and Cardiometabolic Risk: A Natural Experiment From the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Am J Epidemiol 2019, 188(6):1109-1119.13. Sasaki Y, Aida J, Tsuji T, Koyama S, Tsuboya T, Saito T, Kondo K, Kawachi I: Pre-disaster social support is protective for onset of post-disaster depression: Prospective study from the Great East Japan Earthquake & Tsunami. Sci Rep 2019, 9(1):19427.14. Saito M, Shimazaki Y, Fukai K, Furuta M, Aida J, Ando Y, Miyazaki H, Kambara M: Risk factors for tooth loss in adult Japanese dental patients: 8020 Promotion Foundation Study. Journal of investigative and clinical dentistry 2019:e12392.15. Saito M, Aida J, Kondo N, Saito J, Kato H, Ota Y, Amemiya A, Kondo K: Reduced long-term care cost by social participation among older Japanese adults: a prospective follow-up study in JAGES. BMJ Open 2019, 9(3):e024439.16. Murakami K, Aida J, Hashimoto H: Associations of social relationships with curative and preventive dental care use among young and middle-aged adults: Evidence from a population-based study in Japan. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2019, 47(5):389-397.17. Miura S, Kasahara S, Yamauchi S, Katsuda Y, Harada A, Aida J, Egusa H: A possible risk of CAD/CAM-produced composite resin premolar crowns on a removable partial denture abutment tooth: a 3-year retrospective cohort study. Journal of prosthodontic research 2019, 63(1):78-84.18. Matsuyama Y, Tsakos G, Listl S, Aida J, Watt RG: Impact of Dental Diseases on Quality-Adjusted Life Expectancy in US Adults. J Dent Res 2019, 98(5):510-516.19. Li X, Aida J, Hikichi H, Kondo K, Kawachi I: Association of Postdisaster Depression and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder With Mortality Among Older Disaster Survivors of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. JAMA network open 2019, 2(12):e1917550.20. Kusama T, Aida J, Yamamoto T, Kondo K, Osaka K: Infrequent Denture Cleaning Increased the Risk of Pneumonia among Community-dwelling Older Adults: A Population-based Cross-sectional Study. Sci Rep 2019, 9(1):13734.21. Kusama T, Aida J, Sugiyama K, Matsuyama Y, Koyama S, Sato Y, Yamamoto T, Igarashi A, Tsuboya T, Osaka K: Does the Type of Temporary Housing Make a Difference in Social Participation and Health for Evacuees of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami? A Cross-Sectional Study. J Epidemiol 2019, 29(10):391-398.22. Inoue Y, Stickley A, Yazawa A, Aida J, Kawachi I, Kondo K, Fujiwara T: Adverse childhood experiences, exposure to a natural disaster and posttraumatic stress disorder among survivors of the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci 2019, 28(1):45-53.23. Ikeda T, Tsuboya T, Aida J, Matsuyama Y, Koyama S, Sugiyama K, Kondo K, Osaka K: Income and education are associated with transitions in health status among community-dwelling older people in Japan: the JAGES cohort study. Fam Pract 2019, 36(6):713-722.24. Ikeda T, Sugiyama K, Aida J, Tsuboya T, Watabiki N, Kondo K, Osaka K: Socioeconomic inequalities in low back pain among older people: The JAGES cross-sectional study. International Journal for Equity in Health 2019, 18(1).25. Ikeda T, Sugiyama K, Aida J, Tsuboya T, Osaka K: The Contextual Effect of Area-Level Unemployment Rate on Lower Back Pain: A Multilevel Analysis of Three Consecutive Surveys of 962,586 Workers in Japan. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2019, 16(20).26. Ikeda T, Aida J, Tsuboya T, Sugiyama K, Kondo K, Osaka K: Psychosocial Factors and Knee Pain Among Older People in Japan: The JAGES Cross-Sectional Study. Clin J Pain 2019, 35(12):983-988.27. Igarashi A, Aida J, Sairenchi T, Tsuboya T, Sugiyama K, Koyama S, Matsuyama Y, Sato Y, Osaka K, Ota H: Does Cigarette Smoking Increase Traffic Accident Death During 20 Years Follow-up in Japan? The Ibaraki Prefectural Health Study. J Epidemiol 2019, 29(5):192-196.28. Horiuchi S, Ozaki A, Inoue M, Aida J, Yamaoka K: Relation of High Social Capital to Preferable Emotional Response to News Media Broadcasting of Natural Disasters: A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Study in Japan. The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 2019, 247(2):129-137.29. Hikichi H, Aida J, Kondo K, Tsuboya T, Kawachi I: Residential relocation and obesity after a natural disaster: A natural experiment from the 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Sci Rep 2019, 9(1):374.30. Hikichi H, Aida J, Kondo K, Kawachi I: Persistent impact of housing loss on cognitive decline after the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami: Evidence from a 6-year longitudinal study. Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association 2019, 15(8):1009-1018.31. Goodwin R, Sugiyama K, Sun S, Aida J, Ben-Ezra M: Psychological distress after the Great East Japan Earthquake: two multilevel 6-year prospective analyses. The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science 2019:1-7.32. Furuta M, Fukai K, Aida J, Shimazaki Y, Ando Y, Miyazaki H, Kambara M, Yamashita Y: Periodontal status and self-reported systemic health of periodontal patients regularly visiting dental clinics in the 8020 Promotion Foundation Study of Japanese Dental Patients. Journal of oral science 2019, 61(2):238-245.33. Fujihara S, Tsuji T, Miyaguni Y, Aida J, Saito M, Koyama S, Kondo K: Does Community-Level Social Capital Predict Decline in Instrumental Activities of Daily Living? A JAGES Prospective Cohort Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2019, 16(5):828.34. Chinzorig T, Sugiyama K, Aida J, Tsuboya T, Osaka K: Are social inequalities in influenza vaccination coverage in Japan reduced by health policy? Prev Med Rep 2019, 16:100959.35. Chinzorig T, Aida J, Cooray U, Nyamdorj T, Mashbaljir S, Osaka K, Garidkhuu A: Inequalities in Caries Experience Among Mongolian Children. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2019, 16(20):3892.36. Abbas H, Aida J, Saito M, Tsakos G, Watt RG, Koyama S, Kondo K, Osaka K: Income or education, which has a stronger association with dental implant use in elderly people in Japan? Int Dent J 2019, 69(6):454-462.37. Tsuji T, Kondo K, Kondo N, Aida J, Takagi D: Development of a risk assessment scale predicting incident functional disability among older people: Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2018, 18(10):1433-1438.38. Sato Y, Tsuboya T, Watt RG, Aida J, Osaka K: Temporary employment and tooth loss: a cross-sectional study from the J-SHINE study. BMC oral health 2018, 18(1):26.39. Sato Y, Koyama S, Ohkubo C, Ogura S, Kamijo R, Sato S, Aida J, Izumi Y, Atsumi M, Isobe A et al: A preliminary report on dental implant condition among dependent elderly based on the survey among Japanese dental practitioners. Int J Implant Dent 2018, 4(1):14.40. Sato Y, Aida J, Tsuboya T, Shirai K, Koyama S, Matsuyama Y, Kondo K, Osaka K: Generalized and particularized trust for health between urban and rural residents in Japan: A cohort study from the JAGES project. Soc Sci Med 2018, 202:43-53.41. Sasaki Y, Aida J, Tsuji T, Miyaguni Y, Tani Y, Koyama S, Matsuyama Y, Sato Y, Tsuboya T, Nagamine Y et al: Does Type of Residential Housing Matter for Depressive Symptoms in the Aftermath of a Disaster? Insights From the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Am J Epidemiol 2018, 187(3):455-464.42. Sasaki I, Kondo K, Kondo N, Aida J, Ichikawa H, Kusumi T, Sueishi N, Imanaka Y: Are pension types associated with happiness in Japanese older people?: JAGES cross-sectional study. PLoS One 2018, 13(5):e0197423.43. Ozaki A, Horiuchi S, Kobayashi Y, Inoue M, Aida J, Leppold C, Yamaoka K: Beneficial Roles of Social Support for Mental Health Vary in the Japanese Population depending on Disaster Experience: A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Study. The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 2018, 246(4):213-223.44. Mochida Y, Yamamoto T, Fuchida S, Aida J, Kondo K: Does poor oral health status increase the risk of falls?: The JAGES Project Longitudinal Study. PLoS One 2018, 13(2):e0192251.45. Miura S, Kasahara S, Yamauchi S, Okuyama Y, Izumida A, Aida J, Egusa H: Clinical evaluation of zirconia-based all-ceramic single crowns: an up to 12-year retrospective cohort study. Clin Oral Investig 2018, 22(2):697-706.46. Matsuyama Y, Tsuboya T, Bessho SI, Aida J, Osaka K: Copayment Exemption Policy and Healthcare Utilization after the Great East Japan Earthquake. The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 2018, 244(2):163-173.47. Matsuyama Y, Aida J, Tsuboya T, Koyama S, Sato Y, Hozawa A, Osaka K: Social Inequalities in Secondhand Smoke Among Japanese Non-smokers: A Cross-Sectional Study. J Epidemiol 2018, 28(3):133-139.48. Li X, Buxton OM, Hikichi H, Haneuse S, Aida J, Kondo K, Kawachi I: Predictors of persistent sleep problems among older disaster survivors: a natural experiment from the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami. Sleep 2018, 41(7).49. Kusama T, Aida J, Tsuboya T, Sugiyama K, Yamamoto T, Igarashi A, Osaka K: The association between socioeconomic status and reactions to radiation exposure: a cross-sectional study after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station accident. PLoS One 2018, 13(10):e0205531.50. Koyama S, Aida J, Cable N, Tsuboya T, Matsuyama Y, Sato Y, Yamamoto T, Kondo K, Osaka K: Sleep duration and remaining teeth among older people. Sleep Med 2018, 52:18-22.51. Hikichi H, Aida J, Matsuyama Y, Tsuboya T, Kondo K, Kawachi I: Community-level social capital and cognitive decline after a natural disaster: A natural experiment from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Soc Sci Med 2018:111981.52. Cable N, Hiyoshi A, Kondo N, Aida J, Sjoqvist H, Kondo K: Identifying Frail-Related Biomarkers among Community-Dwelling Older Adults in Japan: A Research Example from the Japanese Gerontological Evaluation Study. Biomed Res Int 2018, 2018:5362948.53. Aida J, Cable N, Zaninotto P, Tsuboya T, Tsakos G, Matsuyama Y, Ito K, Osaka K, Kondo K, Marmot MG et al: Social and Behavioural Determinants of the Difference in Survival among Older Adults in Japan and England. Gerontology 2018, 64(3):266-277【Editors' Choice article of vol. 264, no. 263, 2018.】.54. Abe T, Aida J, Osaka K: Negative Mood, Hope for the Future and Social Capital among Young Japanese. A Secondary Analysis of Individual Data. School Health 2018, 14:12-20.55. Yokobayashi K, Kawachi I, Kondo K, Kondo N, Nagamine Y, Tani Y, Shirai K, Tazuma S, Jages group: Association between Social Relationship and Glycemic Control among Older Japanese: JAGES Cross-Sectional Study. PLoS One 2017, 12(1):e0169904.56. Yamamoto T, Aida J, Kondo K, Fuchida S, Tani Y, Saito M, Sasaki Y: Oral Health and Incident Depressive Symptoms: JAGES Project Longitudinal Study in Older Japanese. J Am Geriatr Soc 2017, 65(5):1079-1084.57. Tsuji T, Sasaki Y, Matsuyama Y, Sato Y, Aida J, Kondo K, Kawachi I: Reducing depressive symptoms after the Great East Japan Earthquake in older survivors through group exercise participation and regular walking: a prospective observational study. BMJ Open 2017, 7(3):e013706.58. Tsuchiya N, Nakaya N, Nakamura T, Narita A, Kogure M, Aida J, Tsuji I, Hozawa A, Tomita H: Impact of social capital on psychological distress and interaction with house destruction and displacement after the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2017, 71(1):52-60.59. Tsuboya T, Aida J, Hikichi H, Subramanian SV, Kondo K, Osaka K, Kawachi I: Predictors of decline in IADL functioning among older survivors following the Great East Japan earthquake: A prospective study. Soc Sci Med 2017, 176:34-41.60. Saito T, Murata C, Aida J, Kondo K: Cohort study on living arrangements of older men and women and risk for basic activities of daily living disability: findings from the AGES project. BMC Geriatr 2017, 17(1):183.61. Saito M, Kondo N, Aida J, Kawachi I, Koyama S, Ojima T, Kondo K: Development of an instrument for community-level health related social capital among Japanese older people: The JAGES Project. J Epidemiol 2017, 27(5):221-227.62. Rouxel P, Heilmann A, Demakakos P, Aida J, Tsakos G, Watt RG: Oral health-related quality of life and loneliness among older adults. Eur J Ageing 2017, 14(2):101-109.63. Matsuyama Y, Aida J, Watt RG, Tsuboya T, Koyama S, Sato Y, Kondo K, Osaka K: Dental Status and Compression of Life Expectancy with Disability. J Dent Res 2017, 96(9):1006-1013.64. Matsuyama Y, Aida J, Tsuboya T, Hikichi H, Kondo K, Kawachi I, Osaka K: Are Lowered Socioeconomic Circumstances Causally Related to Tooth Loss? A Natural Experiment Involving the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. Am J Epidemiol 2017, 186(1):54-62.65. Hikichi H, Tsuboya T, Aida J, Matsuyama Y, Kondo K, Subramanian SV, Kawachi I: Social capital and cognitive decline in the aftermath of a natural disaster: a natural experiment from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Lancet Planet Health 2017, 1(3):e105-e113.66. Hikichi H, Sawada Y, Tsuboya T, Aida J, Kondo K, Koyama S, Kawachi I: Residential relocation and change in social capital: A natural experiment from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Sci Adv 2017, 3(7):e1700426.67. Cable N, Chandola T, Aida J, Sekine M, Netuveli G: Can sleep disturbance influence changes in mental health status? Longitudinal research evidence from ageing studies in England and Japan. Sleep Med 2017, 30:216-221.68. Bando S, Tomata Y, Aida J, Sugiyama K, Sugawara Y, Tsuji I: Impact of oral self-care on incident functional disability in elderly Japanese: the Ohsaki Cohort 2006 study. BMJ Open 2017, 7(9):e017946.69. Aida J, Matsuyama Y, Tabuchi T, Komazaki Y, Tsuboya T, Kato T, Osaka K, Fujiwara T: Trajectory of social inequalities in the treatment of dental caries among preschool children in Japan. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2017, 45(5):407-412.70. Aida J, Hikichi H, Matsuyama Y, Sato Y, Tsuboya T, Tabuchi T, Koyama S, Subramanian SV, Kondo K, Osaka K et al: Risk of mortality during and after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami among older coastal residents. Sci Rep 2017, 7(1):16591.71. Tsuboya T, Aida J, Hikichi H, Subramanian SV, Kondo K, Osaka K, Kawachi I: Predictors of depressive symptoms following the Great East Japan earthquake: A prospective study. Soc Sci Med 2016, 161:47-54.72. Shoji N, Endo Y, Iikubo M, Ishii T, Harigae H, Aida J, Sakamoto M, Sasano T: Dentin hypersensitivity-like tooth pain seen in patients receiving steroid therapy: An exploratory study. J Pharmacol Sci 2016, 132(3):187-191.73. Sato Y, Aida J, Kondo K, Tsuboya T, Watt RG, Yamamoto T, Koyama S, Matsuyama Y, Osaka K: Tooth Loss and Decline in Functional Capacity: A Prospective Cohort Study from the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study. J Am Geriatr Soc 2016, 64(11):2336-2342.74. Ota A, Kondo N, Murayama N, Tanabe N, Shobugawa Y, Kondo K, JAGES group: Serum Albumin Levels and Economic Status in Japanese Older Adults. PLoS One 2016, 11(6):e0155022.75. Matsuyama Y, Fujiwara T, Aida J, Watt RG, Kondo N, Yamamoto T, Kondo K, Osaka K: Experience of childhood abuse and later number of remaining teeth in older Japanese: a life-course study from Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study project. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2016, 44(6):531-539.76. Matsuyama Y, Aida J, Taura K, Kimoto K, Ando Y, Aoyama H, Morita M, Ito K, Koyama S, Hase A et al: School-Based Fluoride Mouth-Rinse Program Dissemination Associated With Decreasing Dental Caries Inequalities Between Japanese Prefectures: An Ecological Study. J Epidemiol 2016, 26(11):563-571.77. Matsuyama Y, Aida J, Hase A, Sato Y, Koyama S, Tsuboya T, Osaka K: Do community- and individual-level social relationships contribute to the mental health of disaster survivors?: A multilevel prospective study after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Soc Sci Med 2016, 151:187-195.78. Koyama S, Aida J, Saito M, Kondo N, Sato Y, Matsuyama Y, Tani Y, Sasaki Y, Kondo K, Ojima T et al: Community social capital and tooth loss in Japanese older people: a longitudinal cohort study. BMJ Open 2016, 6(4):e010768.79. Koyama S, Aida J, Kondo K, Yamamoto T, Saito M, Ohtsuka R, Nakade M, Osaka K: Does poor dental health predict becoming homebound among older Japanese? BMC oral health 2016, 16(1):51.80. Hikichi H, Aida J, Tsuboya T, Kondo K, Kawachi I: Can Community Social Cohesion Prevent Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the Aftermath of a Disaster? A Natural Experiment From the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami. Am J Epidemiol 2016, 183(10):902-910.81. Hikichi H, Aida J, Kondo K, Tsuboya T, Matsuyama Y, Subramanian SV, Kawachi I: Increased risk of dementia in the aftermath of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2016, 113(45):E6911-E6918.82. Aida J, Kondo K, Yamamoto T, Saito M, Ito K, Suzuki K, Osaka K, Kawachi I: Is Social Network Diversity Associated with Tooth Loss among Older Japanese Adults? PLoS One 2016, 11(7):e0159970.83. Yamamoto T, Fuchida S, Aida J, Kondo K, Hirata Y: Adult Oral Health Programs in Japanese Municipalities: Factors Associated with Self-Rated Effectiveness. The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 2015, 237(4):259-266.84. Tsuchiya M, Aida J, Hagiwara Y, Sugawara Y, Tomata Y, Sato M, Watanabe T, Tomita H, Nemoto E, Watanabe M et al: Periodontal Disease Is Associated with Insomnia among Victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake: A Panel Study Initiated Three Months after the Disaster. The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 2015, 237(2):83-90.85. Tsuboya T, Aida J, Osaka K, Kawachi I: Working overtime and risk factors for coronary heart disease: a propensity score analysis based in the J-SHINE (Japanese Study of Stratification, Health, Income, and Neighborhood) study. Am J Ind Med 2015, 58(2):229-237.86. Sato Y, Aida J, Takeuchi K, Ito K, Koyama S, Kakizaki M, Sato M, Osaka K, Tsuji I: Impact of loss of removable dentures on oral health after the great East Japan earthquake: a retrospective cohort study. Journal of prosthodontics : official journal of the American College of Prosthodontists 2015, 24(1):32-36.87. Nakade M, Takagi D, Suzuki K, Aida J, Ojima T, Kondo K, Hirai H, Kondo N: Influence of socioeconomic status on the association between body mass index and cause-specific mortality among older Japanese adults: The AGES Cohort Study. Prev Med 2015, 77:112-118.88. Kondo N, Saito M, Hikichi H, Aida J, Ojima T, Kondo K, Kawachi I: Relative deprivation in income and mortality by leading causes among older Japanese men and women: AGES cohort study. J Epidemiol Community Health 2015, 69(7):680-685.89. Ito K, Aida J, Yamamoto T, Ohtsuka R, Nakade M, Suzuki K, Kondo K, Osaka K, Group J: Individual- and community-level social gradients of edentulousness. BMC oral health 2015, 15(1):34.90. Hikichi H, Kondo N, Kondo K, Aida J, Takeda T, Kawachi I: Effect of a community intervention programme promoting social interactions on functional disability prevention for older adults: propensity score matching and instrumental variable analyses, JAGES Taketoyo study. J Epidemiol Community Health 2015, 69(9):905-910.91. Yamamoto T, Kondo K, Aida J, Suzuki K, Misawa J, Nakade M, Fuchida S, Hirata Y, group J: Social determinants of denture/bridge use: Japan gerontological evaluation study project cross-sectional study in older Japanese. BMC oral health 2014, 14:63.92. Yamamoto T, Kondo K, Aida J, Fuchida S, Hirata Y, group J: Association between the longest job and oral health: Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study project cross-sectional study. BMC oral health 2014, 14(1):130.93. Watt RG, Heilmann A, Sabbah W, Newton T, Chandola T, Aida J, Sheiham A, Marmot M, Kawachi I, Tsakos G: Social relationships and health related behaviors among older US adults. BMC Public Health 2014, 14:533.94. Tsuboya T, Aida J, Kawachi I, Katase K, Osaka K: Early life-course socioeconomic position, adult work-related factors and oral health disparities: cross-sectional analysis of the J-SHINE study. BMJ Open 2014, 4(10):e005701.95. Takeuchi K, Aida J, Ito K, Furuta M, Yamashita Y, Osaka K: Nutritional status and dysphagia risk among community-dwelling frail older adults. The journal of nutrition, health & aging 2014, 18(4):352-357.96. Murakami K, Aida J, Ohkubo T, Hashimoto H: Income-related inequalities in preventive and curative dental care use among working-age Japanese adults in urban areas: a cross-sectional study. BMC oral health 2014, 14(1):117.97. Matsuyama Y, Aida J, Takeuchi K, Tsakos G, Watt RG, Kondo K, Osaka K: Inequalities of dental prosthesis use under universal healthcare insurance. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2014, 42(2):122-128.98. Koyama S, Aida J, Kawachi I, Kondo N, Subramanian SV, Ito K, Kobashi G, Masuno K, Kondo K, Osaka K: Social support improves mental health among the victims relocated to temporary housing following the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 2014, 234(3):241-247.99. Kanamori S, Kai Y, Aida J, Kondo K, Kawachi I, Hirai H, Shirai K, Ishikawa Y, Suzuki K, Group J: Social participation and the prevention of functional disability in older Japanese: the JAGES cohort study. PLoS One 2014, 9(6):e99638.100. Tsakos G, Sabbah W, Chandola T, Newton T, Kawachi I, Aida J, Sheiham A, Marmot MG, Watt RG: Social relationships and oral health among adults aged 60 years or older. Psychosom Med 2013, 75(2):178-186.101. Takeuchi K, Aida J, Kondo K, Osaka K: Social participation and dental health status among older Japanese adults: a population-based cross-sectional study. PLoS One 2013, 8(4):e61741.102. Ota J, Yamamoto T, Ando Y, Aida J, Hirata Y, Arai S: Dental health behavior of parents of children using non-fluoride toothpaste: a cross-sectional study. BMC oral health 2013, 13:74.103. Hayasaka K, Tomata Y, Aida J, Watanabe T, Kakizaki M, Tsuji I: Tooth loss and mortality in elderly Japanese adults: effect of oral care. J Am Geriatr Soc 2013, 61(5):815-820.104. Aida J, Kondo K, Kawachi I, Subramanian SV, Ichida Y, Hirai H, Kondo N, Osaka K, Sheiham A, Tsakos G et al: Does social capital affect the incidence of functional disability in older Japanese? A prospective population-based cohort study. J Epidemiol Community Health 2013, 67(1):42-47.105. Yamamoto T, Kondo K, Misawa J, Hirai H, Nakade M, Aida J, Kondo N, Kawachi I, Hirata Y: Dental status and incident falls among older Japanese: a prospective cohort study. BMJ Open 2012, 2(4).106. Yamamoto T, Kondo K, Hirai H, Nakade M, Aida J, Hirata Y: Association between self-reported dental health status and onset of dementia: a 4-year prospective cohort study of older Japanese adults from the Aichi Gerontological Evaluation Study (AGES) Project. Psychosom Med 2012, 74(3):241-248.107. Takeuchi K, Aida J, Morita M, Ando Y, Osaka K: Community-level socioeconomic status and parental smoking in Japan. Soc Sci Med 2012, 75(4):747-751.108. Aida J, Kondo K, Hirai H, Nakade M, Yamamoto T, Hanibuchi T, Osaka K, Sheiham A, Tsakos G, Watt RG: Association between dental status and incident disability in an older Japanese population. J Am Geriatr Soc 2012, 60(2):338-343.109. Wakaguri S, Aida J, Osaka K, Morita M, Ando Y: Association between caregiver behaviours to prevent vertical transmission and dental caries in their 3-year-old children. Caries Res 2011, 45(3):281-286.110. Hanibuchi T, Aida J, Nakade M, Hirai H, Kondo K: Geographical accessibility to dental care in the Japanese elderly. Community Dent Health 2011, 28(2):128-135.111. Aida J, Kuriyama S, Ohmori-Matsuda K, Hozawa A, Osaka K, Tsuji I: The association between neighborhood social capital and self-reported dentate status in elderly Japanese--the Ohsaki Cohort 2006 Study. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2011, 39(3):239-249.112. Aida J, Kondo K, Yamamoto T, Hirai H, Nakade M, Osaka K, Sheiham A, Tsakos G, Watt RG: Oral health and cancer, cardiovascular, and respiratory mortality of Japanese. J Dent Res 2011, 90(9):1129-1135.113. Aida J, Kondo K, Kondo N, Watt RG, Sheiham A, Tsakos G: Income inequality, social capital and self-rated health and dental status in older Japanese. Soc Sci Med 2011, 73(10):1561-1568.114. Aida J, Kondo K, Hirai H, Subramanian SV, Murata C, Kondo N, Ichida Y, Shirai K, Osaka K: Assessing the association between all-cause mortality and multiple aspects of individual social capital among the older Japanese. BMC Public Health 2011, 11(1):499.和文原著論文(過去10年分)1. 大曽基宣, 津下一代, 近藤尚己, 田淵貴大, 相田潤, 横山徹爾, 遠又靖丈, 辻一郎: 自治体の衛生部門における健康増進事業のプロセスの現状と課題:6府県全市町村調査の分析結果より. 日本公衆衛生雑誌 2020, 67(1):15-25.2. 草間太郎, 相田潤, 東大介, 佐藤弥生子, 小野寺保, 杉山賢明, 坪谷透, 髙橋達也, 小坂健: 宮城県の東日本大震災被災者の健康状態の経年推移:応急仮設住宅等入居者健康調査より. 日本公衆衛生雑誌 2020, 67(1):26-32.3. 五十嵐彩夏, 相田潤, 草間太郎, 小坂健: 業種別にみた職場における受動喫煙状況. 日本公衆衛生雑誌 2020, 67(3):183-190.4. 中川哲也, 八木稔, 三宅達郎, 磯崎篤則, 井下英二, 相田潤, 荒川浩久, 石塚洋一, 川村和章, 小林清吾 et al: 地域歯科医師会が報じた水道水フロリデーションの実施状況 京都府歯科医師会報から. 口腔衛生学会雑誌 2019, 69(4):223-231.5. 深井穫博, 古田美智子, 相田潤, 嶋崎義浩, 安藤雄一, 宮崎秀夫, 神原正樹, 小林隆太郎, 住友雅人, 山科透 et al: 歯科患者の口腔保健状態と全身の健康状態との関連 8020推進財団 歯科医療による健康増進効果に関する研究(3年間追跡調査). 日本歯科医学会誌 2019, 38:84-93.6. 阿部智美, 相田潤, 伊藤奏, 北田志郎, 江角伸吾, 坪谷透, 松山祐輔, 佐藤遊洋, 五十嵐彩夏, 小坂健: 医療系大学生の社会関係資本及び社会的スキルと精神的健康との関連. 日本健康教育学会誌 2019, 27(2):143-152.7. 木戸田直実, 相田潤, 小坂健: 介護老人福祉施設における口腔ケアの多職種連携体制の実施と施設職員および入所者の変化について. 日本歯科衛生学会雑誌 2018, 12(2):46-52.8. 木戸田直実, 相田潤, 三浦宏子, 小坂健: 介護老人保健施設の管理職が口腔健康管理に関心の高い施設は、口腔衛生管理体制加算を導入しているのか? 老年歯科医学 2018, 33(3):335-343.9. 深井穫博, 嶋崎義浩, 吉田美智子, 相田潤, 安藤雄一, 宮崎秀夫, 神原正樹, 住友雅人, 山科透, 大久保満男 et al: 歯科患者の口腔保健状態と全身の健康状態との関連 8020推進財団 歯科医療による健康増進効果に関する研究(2年間追跡調査). 日本歯科医学会誌 2018, 37:63-72.10. 五十嵐彩夏, 相田潤, 坪谷透, 杉山賢明, 瀧澤伸枝, 小坂健: 茨城県における3歳児う蝕有病者率の健康格差の推移 2005-2013年地域相関研究. 口腔衛生学会雑誌 2018, 68(2):85-91.11. 皆川久美子, 葭原明弘, 佐藤美寿々, 深井穫博, 安藤雄一, 嶋崎義浩, 古田美智子, 相田潤, 神原正樹, 宮崎秀夫: 一般地域住民における主観的な歯や歯肉の健康状態と全身健康状態との関連 8020推進財団「一般地域住民を対象とした歯・口腔の健康に関する調査研究」より. 口腔衛生学会雑誌 2018, 68(4):198-206.12. 田代敦志, 相田潤, 菖蒲川由郷, 藤山友紀, 山本龍生, 齋藤玲子, 近藤克則: 高齢者における所得格差と残存歯数の関連 JAGES2013新潟市データ. 日本公衆衛生雑誌 2017, 64(4):190-196.13. 相田潤, 深井穫博, 古田美智子, 佐藤遊洋, 嶋﨑義浩, 安藤雄一, 宮﨑秀夫, 神原正樹: 歯科医院への定期健診はどのような人が受けているのか─受診の健康格差:8020推進財団「一般地域住民を対象とした歯・口腔の健康に関する調査研究」. 口腔衛生学会雑誌 2017, 67(4):270-275.14. 深井穫博, 古田美智子, 嶋崎義浩, 相田潤, 安藤雄一, 宮崎秀夫, 神原正樹, 住友雅人, 山科透, 佐藤徹 et al: 一般地域住民の口腔および全身の健康ー8020推進財団 歯科医療による健康増進効果に関する研究. 日本歯科医学会誌 2017, 36:62-73.15. 相田潤, 安藤雄一, 柳澤智仁: ライフステージによる日本人の口腔の健康格差の実態:歯科疾患実態調査と国民生活基礎調査から. 口腔衛生学会雑誌 2016, 66(5):458–464.16. 深井穫博, 古田美智子, 相田潤, 嶋崎義浩, 安藤雄一, 宮崎秀夫, 神原正樹, 住友雅人, 佐藤徹, 山科透 et al: 歯科患者の口腔内状態および全身の健康状態 8020推進財団歯科医療による健康増進効果に関する研究. 日本歯科医学会誌 2016, 35:39-50.17. 山元絹美, 相田潤, 松山祐輔, 大橋秀隆, 小坂健: 地域活動支援センターを利用する障害者の口腔保健とかかりつけ歯科医の関連. 障害者歯科 2016, 37(2):180-185.18. 長谷晃広, 相田潤, 坪谷透, 小山史穂子, 松山祐輔, 三浦宏子, 小坂健: キャリア教育と研修歯科医の将来設計の関係 : 全国の研修歯科医を対象とした横断研究. 口腔衛生学会雑誌 2015, 65(3):276-282.19. 小山史穂子, 相田潤, 長谷晃広, 松山祐輔, 佐藤遊洋, 三浦宏子, 小坂健: 出身大学によって幼児への歯磨剤の使用の推奨は異なるのか : 臨床研修歯科医師を対象とした調査結果. 口腔衛生学会雑誌 2015, 65(5):417-421.20. 引地博之, 近藤克則, 相田潤, 近藤尚己: 集団災害医療における「人とのつながり」の効果 : 東日本大震災後の被災者支援に携わった保健師を対象としたグループインタビューから. Japanese journal of disaster medicine 2015, 20(1):51-56.21. 小山重人, 白石成, 塙総司, 細川亮一, 小関健由, 伊藤恵美, 石河理紗, 松井裕之, 水戸武彦, 貴田岡亜希 et al: 宮城県立精神医療センター入院患者における歯科保健指導方法の確立に向けた基礎調査. みちのく歯学会雑誌 2014, 45(1-2):53-55.22. 安本恵, 相田潤, 滝波修一, 森田康彦, 本多丘人: バングラデシュにおける子供の口腔疾患と社会行動的リスク要因. 北海道歯学雑誌 2014, 34(2):77-86.23. 曽根稔雅, 中谷直樹, 遠又靖丈, 相田潤, 大久保一郎, 大原里子, 大渕修一, 杉山みち子, 安村誠司, 鈴木隆雄 et al: 介護予防サービス利用者における生活機能の予後予測及び効果的な運動器の機能向上プログラムの実施内容に対する評価. 日本公衆衛生雑誌 2013, 68(1):11-21.24. 三辺正人, 河野寛二, 原井一雄, 相田潤, 野村義明: 重度歯周炎患者に対する経口抗菌療法を併用した非外科治療の臨床および細菌学的評価. 日本歯周病学会会誌 2013, 55(2):156-169.25. 曽根稔雅, 中谷直樹, 遠又靖丈, 相田潤, 大久保一郎, 大原里子, 大渕修一, 杉山みち子, 安村誠司, 鈴木隆雄 et al: 介護予防サービス利用者における日常生活の過ごし方と要介護認定等の推移との関連. 日本衛生学雑誌 2012, 67(3):401-407.26. 山本龍生, 近藤克則, 渕田慎也, 相田潤, 中出美代, 平田幸夫: 質問紙調査による口腔関連指標の妥当性:愛知老年学的評価研究(AGES)プロジェクト. ヘルスサイエンス・ヘルスケア 2012, 12(1):4-12.27. 伊藤奏, 相田潤, 若栗真太郎, 野口有紀, 小坂健: 口腔機能向上プログラムの参加率向上に関する要因の検討. 老年歯科医学 2012, 27(3):285-290.28. 伊藤奏, 相田潤, 若栗真太郎, 野口有紀, 小坂健: 居宅介護支援事業所と歯科との連携に関する実態調査および連携の要因についての調査. 老年歯科医学 2012, 27(2):114-120.29. 葭内朗裕, 兼平孝, 栗田啓子, 竹原順次, 高橋大郎, 本多丘人, 秋野憲一, 相田潤, 森田学: 北海道における高齢者の歯の状況と全身の健康に関する研究 医科診療費からの分析. 北海道歯学雑誌 2011, 32(1):12-24.30. 竹内研時, 相田潤, 岩城倫弘, 田口千恵子, 田浦勝彦, 小林清吾, 小坂健: 都道府県歯科保健条例の記載事項の比較. ヘルスサイエンス・ヘルスケア 2011, 11(2):72-77.31. 相田潤, 晴佐久悟, 大石憲一, 大石恵美子, 田浦勝彦, 筒井昭仁, 黒瀬真由美, 境脩: 日本国内における水道水中フッ化物イオン濃度と3 歳児齲蝕有病者率の関係. 口腔衛生会誌 2011, 61(2):209-214.32. 晴佐久悟, 相田潤, 大石憲一, 大石恵美子, 田浦勝彦, 筒井昭仁, 黒瀬真由美, 境脩: 日本国内における花崗岩地質の分布と水道水中フッ化物イオン濃度の関係. 口腔衛生学会雑誌 2011, 61(2):203-208.33. 小林五月, 山本龍生, 阿部智, 安藤雄一, 相田潤, 平田幸夫, 新井誠四郎: 歯磨剤選択理由にフッ化物配合を挙げた保護者における児童への歯科保健行動の特性. 口腔衛生学会雑誌 2011, 61(5):544-550.英文総説(過去10年分)1. Sasaki Y, Aida J, Miura H: Social capital in disaster affected areas. Journal of the National Institute of Public Health 2020, 69(1):25-32.2. Koyama S, Tabuchi T, Aida J, Osaka K, Miyashiro I: Determinants of Increased Tobacco Consumption following a Major Disaster. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 2020.3. Koyama S, Tabuchi T, Aida J, Osaka K, Miyashiro I: Determinants of Increased Tobacco Consumption Following a Major Disaster. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 2020:1-5.4. Kawachi I, Aida J, Hikichi H, Kondo K: Disaster resilience in aging populations: lessons from the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 2020:1-16.5. Saito T, Cable N, Aida J, Shirai K, Saito M, Kondo K: Validation study on a Japanese version of the three-item UCLA Loneliness Scale among community-dwelling older adults. Geriatr Ge